Saturday, March 15, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt 2008, Arlington

We wrangled 27 egg hunters around the church and found yummy hidden treasure.

(Click pictures to enlarge)
Gathered downstairs, we began our hunt with an introduction. Why the Easter bunny? Was it helping move the stone so Jesus can get out of the tomb? Why eggs? Are they popular for ancient holy breakfasts?

Y'all listen up. What are we going to hunt for? "Easter eggs!" Where do you look for them? "On the ground." "In door handles." Little kids, listen to the older kids. They know where to look. They've done this before! "In the snow!" Right, the hidden eggs will be practically everywhere...
Now, what do you find inside the eggs? "Candy!" "Chocolate!" That's it, treasure.

Nine days from now is what? "Easter Sunday!" What do you call the days between now and Easter Sunday? "Holy Week," a parent responded. Good thing for parents. Jesus gets hidden too. Where is Jesus hidden? "In the ground." "In a tomb!"

Like hidden candy, is Jesus dying a bad thing? What you find inside both the tomb and the eggs are the same thing, a yummy treasure, hidden for you to eat.

When it's in your hand, do you just put it back in the ground? No, you keep it. You eat it! How's it taste? "Yummy!" That's right, now let's go find our yummy hidden treasure.

Thank you teens for helping set everything for the little ones. Thank you for filling and hiding the eggs, helping the kids have safe fun: Alex and Kelsey Saager, Ashley and Hannah Howell, Matthew and Michael Hendrickson, Rebecca Schulz, Alexis, Jessica, Cody, etc. It wouldn't have been such a success without you all.