Monday, May 5, 2008

Resources on Love, Sex, Marriage, and Romance.

"Are you gonna let Howard Stern teach us about sex?" -Thomas Nelson asks in 2005.

I have been "teaching" on the Song of Solomon several times now over the course of about 10 years. And friends have been asking now for a copy for their own to have.

The 1995 DVD series I own is no longer available (on Amazon.) Anyone like me owns a copy won't sell it on eBay either! So where are you, my friends, to go find such a good resource?

In 2005 Tommy Nelson released the 10th Anniversary Edition. I'm glad this updated version has sessions no longer than 30 minutes, optional Spanish subtitles. You can watch a small portion of it over at their website:

There are great resources to further deepen your love life, God's way. Visit for conferences, studies, and even shop online. I already signed up for for weekly devotions there.

For an economical alternative to the video series, one may enjoy the paperback version: If not available locally, try direct from Nelson's website as well as from Amazon, where you can read from inside the book before you purchase it: